Thursday, September 10, 2009

Forced Health Insurance-What about our freedom?

All Americans would be required by law to have health insurance under his proposal, Obama said. He noted the requirement would be similar to mandatory auto insurance in most states and also would mandate businesses to either offer health care coverage to workers or contribute to covering their costs of obtaining coverage.

Is this what a consensus of the voters of the 3rd District expect? The federal government telling us Kansans what we must do?  What about our sovereignity as a state?  What about your rights as individual?  Who loses when the federal government forces us to have health insurance?  Don't we all lose?

Who wins?  If not the drug and insurance lobbyists?  Don't the providers of health care win?  Don't the state governments win? Forced health insurance merely makes it clear why President Obama had that secret meeting with the health and insurance lobbyists a few months ago. 

Clearly, the loser here is you, the individual as the federal government has gotten so desperate, they have decided they are going to tell you, the individual, what you have to do.  What is happening to America?  Are you in the 3rd District going to stay silent as the federal government forces you to get health insurance?  Whether you like it or not.

Going forward, are we also going to be forced to accept cap and trade next?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Congressional Debate September 22, 2009

September 8th 2009

The first 3rd Congressional District candidate debate will be held at the Antioch Library September 22, 2009.  It appears all filed and non-filed congressional candidates will be there.  Good.

I will be traveling on September 22.  However, I will make arrangements addressing the issues presented to those other candidates whether it be in writing or via teleconference or video.  So this is something to look forward to as I clearly establish why I am the better and more experienced congressional candidate.   

Come early. Seating will be limited. 


Thursday, September 3, 2009

A failure to communicate-AFP

I generally support the goals, values and mission of Americans for Prosperity--smaller governments, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility and accountability.  As well as those that support the same. 

However, I do not support  non-profit excecutive directors, present or past that have a hidden political agenda.  These two individuals are apparently supporting a hidden agenda in coordination with their National Headquarters.

I cannot as a representative of the public interest, support any alleged non-profit organization's executive directors in Kansas that maintain a hidden agenda; or attempt to influence or favor any one particular candidate for federal elected office.

In my opinion, their status as a non-profit entity should be revoked. 

Signed and dated this the 3rd day of September 2009.

Thomas E. Scherer, your candidate for United States Congress.