This may be the the first interactive congressional campaign blog in America. So, welcome to your first congressional blog as our fiscally conservative candidate continues to lead in making America a better place for all, regardless of party affilation.
Our 2010 goal continues to expand and improve at seeking to be a true representative of all; seeking to arrive for a consensus of what voter and non-voters believe better advances our public interest. This includes setting aside as needed, our congressional candidate's personal political views preferring as a true representative, the collective voice and consensus of those in the 3rd Congressional District. Furthermore, our 2010 stragey will focus on solutions, not political rhetoric in a positive manner and respectful manner as much as possible.
Currently, substantial research continues related to improving earmark transparency and progressive tax policies based on prior concerns of the middle class voter being squeezed by both the upper and lower classes. We continue to be concerned about the PACS, special interest groups and their lobbyists continuing to dominate national politics and legislation adverse to the best interests of the individual. To those whom participated in recent Tea Party events, thanks for being a true patriot. Finally, thanks for visiting and we always welcome comments and solutions as we are doing our best to listen in our dedicated and substantial efforts to make our nation's political system better.
Your 2010 3rd District Congressional Candidate